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·三国名将庙宇——河北正定赵云庙  ·优秀影人:山东摄影家聂东升(2012.6.25-2012.7.08)  ·秦皇岛山海风光  ·黔北明珠——神秘的贵州赤水风光  ·优秀影人:广东摄影家——薛兴华[2017.4.1--2017.4.30]  ·五彩滩  ·绿丝带环保志愿者行动:清理水源地红枫湖农村生活垃圾  ·每周影人:北京摄影家史河(2009.10.19-2009.10.25)  ·消夏天堂——巴厘岛  ·优秀影人:新疆摄影家——刘一亮[2016.1.1--2016.1.31]  ·欧洲富翁都市——瑞士苏黎世  ·贵州遵义赤水风光  ·革命现代京剧样板戏《红灯记》  ·赤水丙安古镇:岁月浸染的百年明清古镇  ·优秀影人:北京摄影家——张健[2017.1.1--2017.1.31]  
Shanghai – tower
CCN传媒图片网 www.ccnpic.com  责任编辑:罗晓娜  

New CBD central area Shanghai finance district. Study of architecture in glass and steel high rise. Essentially quality and prestige dedicated rules this area.


ID:115318-05723 shanghai-tower   图片来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲


ID:115318-05719 shanghai-tower   图片来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲

New CBD holds opportunitites and challenges for city planners. Results are outstanding. Visitors should take time-out and walk around the city for invigorating picturesque views of one grand supper city in the world today. Le Johnno  April 2012 (CCN传媒图片网 罗晓娜)

(文章来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲)

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